Inspired By Excellence & Innovation

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (II Timothy 2:15)

Degree Offered

Certificate in Bible

This certificate will be granted to those who successfully complete the Online or In-Person Bible Chronology/Doctrine class.  24 semester hours

Diploma in Bible

This diploma will be granted to those who successfully complete the Bible Chronology/Doctrine class plus the course of study as listed in the school catalog. The requirement for this diploma consists of a minimum of 48 semester hours.

Associate Degree

This degree will be granted to those who successfully complete the assigned work, along with a minimum of 16 semester hours beyond those required for the Diploma in Bible and with a minimum of 64 total semester hours credit. This degree requires a research paper of 2,500 words with a minimum of 5 research sources.

Graduate of Theology (Th. G.)

This degree will be granted to those who successfully complete the assigned work, along with a minimum of 32 semester hours credit beyond those required for the Associate of Ministry decree and with a minimum of 96 total semester hours credit. This degree requires a research paper of 5,000 words with a minimum of 10 research sources.

Bachelor’s Degree

This degree will be granted to those who successfully complete the assigned work, along with a minimum of 30 semester hours credit beyond those required for the Th.G. Degree and with a minimum of 126 total semester hours credit. This degree requires a research paper of 10,000 words with a minimum of 15 research sources.

Master’s Degree

This degree will be granted to those who successfully complete the assigned work, along with a minimum of 60 semester hours credit beyond those required for the Bachelor’s degree and with a minimum of 186 total semester hours credit. This degree requires a research paper of 15,000 words with a minimum of 20 research sources.

Doctorate Program

This degree will be granted to those who successfully complete the assigned work. The course requires that you have completed the Master’s Program along with writing a dissertation on a provided topic. If interested in this program, please contact the school as it is offered on certain occasions. 

Credit Transfer Policy

CBIS will honor all credits transferred from any qualified Bible college or seminary. In many cases, credit from other colleges can be transferred also. Students in full-time Christian work receive special consideration in the evaluation of previous college credit.

Life Experience Credit

Full-time Christian service will be considered for credit towards a degree. In some cases, depending on previous education, a degree may be earned by submitting a thesis, research paper, or dissertation.


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