The Book of Acts – II – OVERVIEW

“The Book of Acts – II” is a continuation of the exploration of the historical narrative found in the Book of Acts in the New Testament. Building on the foundation laid in “The Book of Acts – I,” this course delves deeper into the missionary journeys, theological themes, and the establishment of Christian communities.

“The Book of Acts – II” provides students with an advanced exploration of the latter chapters of Acts, fostering a deeper understanding of the theological, historical, and cultural dimensions of this crucial biblical text.


  • Research Papers on Advanced Theological Themes
  • Group Presentations on Pauline Theology
  • Analysis of the Council of Jerusalem
  • Critical Reflections on Imprisonments and Trials
  • Final Exam


  1. Advanced Theological Themes: Explore advanced theological themes presented in the latter half of the Book of Acts. Examine topics such as divine sovereignty, providence, and the relationship between the Gospel and the Roman Empire.
  2. Pauline Theology: Focus on the theological contributions of the Apostle Paul as evidenced in the Book of Acts. Study Paul’s teachings, his conversion experience, and his role in shaping early Christian theology.
  3. Council of Jerusalem: Investigate the significance of the Council of Jerusalem as a pivotal moment in the early Christian church. Understand the decisions made regarding the inclusion of Gentiles in the Christian community.
  4. Imprisonments and Trials: Examine the various imprisonments and trials faced by the apostles, particularly Paul, and analyze their impact on the spread of Christianity and the development of Christian theology.
  5. Cultural Engagement: Discuss how the early Christians engaged with and responded to the diverse cultural contexts encountered during missionary journeys. Explore the challenges and opportunities of cross-cultural evangelism.
  6. Theological Reflection on Miracles: Reflect on the theological implications of the miracles and supernatural occurrences recorded in the latter part of the Book of Acts. Consider their role in establishing the credibility of the Christian message.
  7. Historical Accuracy: Address questions related to the historical accuracy of the events described in the Book of Acts. Examine scholarly perspectives on the reliability of Luke’s account.


Successful completion of “The Book of Acts – I” or an equivalent course. A solid understanding of the New Testament and biblical history is recommended.


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