The “Life of Christ 2” course is an advanced exploration of the latter part of Jesus Christ’s earthly ministry, with a focus on His post-resurrection appearances, ascension, and the implications of His life for Christian theology and discipleship. Building on the foundational understanding gained in “Life of Christ 1,” this course delves into the theological significance of Christ’s resurrection and ascension, as well as the ongoing impact of His life on the mission and identity of the Christian community.

The “Life of Christ 2” course aims to deepen students’ understanding of the latter part of Jesus’ earthly ministry and its enduring impact on Christian theology, discipleship, and worship. Building on foundational knowledge, students will engage in advanced theological exploration and critical analysis of key events and teachings in the life of Christ.


  1. Research Project on Resurrection Theology:
    • Undertake a research project that delves into the theological nuances of the resurrection, examining its impact on Christian doctrine and practice.
  2. Exegetical Analysis of Post-Resurrection Texts:
    • Conduct an exegetical analysis of selected post-resurrection texts, exploring the narrative and theological elements present in these passages.
  3. Reflections on Discipleship and the Great Commission:
    • Write reflective essays on the significance of the Great Commission for Christian discipleship and its implications for the contemporary Church.
  4. Presentation on Christological Debates:
    • Deliver a presentation on the historical development of christological debates in early Christianity, highlighting key figures and theological concepts.
  5. Final Project: The Life of Christ in Art and Worship:
    • Create a final project exploring the representation of the life of Christ in Christian art and its influence on worship practices, combining historical analysis with theological reflection.
  6. Class Participation and Discussions:
    • Actively engage in class discussions, contributing insights, questions, and reflections on the theological and practical aspects of the life of Christ in this advanced context.


  1. Resurrection Appearances:
    • Examine the post-resurrection appearances of Jesus, considering the theological implications of His interactions with disciples and the broader implications for Christian belief in the resurrection.
  2. Ascension and Session at the Right Hand of God:
    • Study the ascension of Jesus and His session at the right hand of God, exploring the significance of these events in Christian theology and their implications for Christ’s ongoing role in the world.
  3. Theological Reflection on the Resurrection:
    • Engage in theological reflections on the resurrection, considering its centrality in Christian faith and its impact on eschatology, soteriology, and the mission of the Church.
  4. The Great Commission and Discipleship:
    • Explore the Great Commission and its implications for Christian discipleship and mission, examining how Christ’s life shapes the identity and purpose of the Church.
  5. Christological Debates in Early Christianity:
    • Investigate the christological debates and developments in early Christianity, examining the theological discussions and formulations regarding the nature of Christ.
  6. The High Priestly Prayer:
    • Analyze the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus in John 17, exploring its theological depth and implications for the unity of believers and the mission of the Church.
  7. The Life of Christ in Christian Art and Worship:
    • Explore how the life of Christ has been depicted in Christian art and how it has influenced liturgical practices and worship throughout history.


  1. Successful Completion of “Life of Christ 1”:
    • Students should have successfully completed the prerequisite course, “Life of Christ 1,” to ensure they have a foundational understanding of the early ministry, teachings, and significant events in the life of Jesus Christ.
  2. New Testament Survey:
    • Proficiency in New Testament Survey is essential, as it provides a broad understanding of the structure, themes, and content of the New Testament, including the Gospels.
  3. Introduction to Christian Theology:
    • Background in foundational theological concepts to provide a framework for understanding advanced theological discussions related to the life of Christ, including resurrection, ascension, and christological debates.
  4. Biblical Hermeneutics:
    • Familiarity with principles of biblical hermeneutics (interpretation) is required to facilitate advanced exegetical analyses and theological reflections on post-resurrection texts.
  5. Life of Christ 1 Course Assignments:
    • Completion of assignments from “Life of Christ 1” will serve as a foundation for more advanced research, reflection, and analysis in “Life of Christ 2.”
  6. Research and Writing Skills:
    • Proficiency in research and writing skills is crucial, as students will be required to undertake advanced research projects, exegetical analyses, and reflective essays.
  7. Class Participation Skills:
    • Ability to actively engage in advanced class discussions, sharing insights, asking probing questions, and contributing meaningfully to discussions on advanced theological topics.
  8. Understanding of Early Christian History (Recommended):
    • While not mandatory, a basic understanding of the historical and cultural context of early Christianity can enhance appreciation for the theological developments discussed in the course.
  9. Advanced Biblical Studies (Optional):
    • Familiarity with advanced biblical studies courses or topics related to advanced theological discussions can be beneficial for a deeper engagement with the content.

These prerequisites are designed to ensure that students entering the “Life of Christ 2” course have a solid foundation in biblical studies, theology, and related disciplines. This foundational knowledge will enable them to engage with the advanced theological concepts and discussions presented in the course effectively.


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