The “Leadership” course is designed to equip future leaders with the essential knowledge, skills, and values necessary for effective leadership within the context of Christian ministry. This course goes beyond secular leadership principles, focusing on the unique challenges and responsibilities faced by leaders in the church and other Christian organizations. Students will explore biblical and theological foundations of leadership, practical skills for organizational management, and the cultivation of spiritual maturity required for Christian leadership.

The “Leadership” course aims to develop leaders who are grounded in biblical principles, equipped with practical skills, and guided by a commitment to ethical and Christ-centered leadership in various ministry settings.


  • Leadership Case Studies:
    • Analyze case studies that present real-world leadership challenges in Christian ministry, applying theoretical principles to practical scenarios.
  • Leadership Reflection Papers:
    • Write reflection papers on personal leadership development, integrating course concepts with personal experiences and insights gained through the study of leadership.
  • Strategic Ministry Plan:
    • Develop a strategic ministry plan, applying strategic planning principles to a specific ministry context, addressing vision, goals, and implementation strategies.
  • Leadership Interview and Analysis:
    • Conduct interviews with experienced Christian leaders, analyzing their leadership styles and approaches, and reflecting on the insights gained.
  • Group Project: Ministry Leadership Simulation:
    • Participate in a group project simulating a ministry leadership scenario, allowing students to apply leadership skills in a collaborative and practical setting.
  • Final Leadership Portfolio:
    • Create a comprehensive leadership portfolio that showcases the student’s growth, skills, and understanding of leadership principles, incorporating feedback and reflections from throughout the course.
  • Class Participation and Leadership Discussions:
    • Actively engage in class discussions, sharing leadership insights, challenges, and learning experiences, contributing to a collaborative and supportive learning environment.


  1. Biblical Foundations of Leadership:
    • Explore key biblical narratives and teachings that provide foundational principles for leadership, drawing insights from the lives of biblical leaders and the leadership style of Jesus.
  2. Theological Dimensions of Leadership:
    • Examine the theological underpinnings of leadership, considering concepts such as servant leadership, stewardship, and the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding and empowering leaders.
  3. Leadership Styles and Models:
    • Analyze different leadership styles and models within the context of Christian ministry, understanding their strengths, limitations, and appropriateness for various organizational contexts.
  4. Strategic Planning and Decision-Making:
    • Develop skills in strategic planning and decision-making, addressing the unique challenges and opportunities faced by leaders in Christian ministry settings.
  5. Team Building and Collaboration:
    • Explore principles of team building, fostering a collaborative and inclusive approach to leadership, with a focus on building strong, healthy teams within Christian organizations.
  6. Communication and Conflict Resolution:
    • Enhance communication skills and learn effective conflict resolution strategies, recognizing the importance of clear and compassionate communication in Christian leadership.
  7. Ethical Leadership in Ministry:
    • Delve into the ethical dimensions of leadership, addressing issues of integrity, accountability, and ethical decision-making within the framework of Christian values.
  8. Crisis Leadership and Resilience:
    • Equip leaders with the skills and mindset to navigate crises in Christian ministry, emphasizing resilience, adaptability, and a reliance on spiritual resources.
  9. Leadership Development and Mentoring:
    • Explore the importance of leadership development and mentoring in Christian ministry, considering strategies for identifying and nurturing emerging leaders.


  1. Introduction to Christian Theology:
    • Completion of foundational courses in Christian theology to provide a theological framework for understanding leadership within the context of Christian ministry.
  2. Biblical Studies:
    • Successful completion of introductory courses in biblical studies, ensuring a basic understanding of key biblical narratives and teachings that will be referenced in the course.
  3. Christian Ethics:
    • Background in Christian ethics to prepare students for discussions on ethical leadership within the context of Christian ministry.
  4. New Testament Survey (Recommended):
    • Familiarity with the New Testament, particularly teachings on leadership found in the Gospels and Pauline epistles, is recommended for a more nuanced understanding of biblical leadership principles.
  5. Introduction to Christian Ministry (Recommended):
    • Completion of an introductory course in Christian ministry to provide a foundational understanding of the organizational and practical aspects of ministry.
  6. Basic Communication Skills:
    • Proficiency in basic communication skills, as effective communication is a critical aspect of Christian leadership.
  7. Personal Spiritual Formation:
    • A commitment to personal spiritual formation and growth, recognizing the integral connection between spiritual maturity and effective Christian leadership.
  8. Research and Writing Skills:
    • Proficiency in research and writing skills to complete assignments, reflections, and projects that require thoughtful analysis and articulation of leadership concepts.
  9. Collaboration and Teamwork Skills:
    • An understanding of the value of collaboration and teamwork, as the course will emphasize the importance of building and leading effective teams in Christian ministry.
  10. Leadership Aspirations or Experience (Optional):
    • While not mandatory, students with prior leadership experience or a clear aspiration for leadership roles in Christian ministry may find the course particularly relevant.

These prerequisites are designed to ensure that students entering the “Leadership in Christian Ministry” course have a foundational understanding of Christian theology, biblical principles, and ethical considerations, along with the necessary skills for effective communication and collaboration. This foundational knowledge will enable students to engage with the advanced leadership concepts and discussions presented in the course effectively.


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