The “Homiletics I” course is a foundational study in the art and science of preaching within the context of Christian ministry. With a focus on the development of effective preaching skills, this course aims to equip students with the tools and principles needed to communicate the Christian message with clarity, relevance, and biblical fidelity. Through a combination of theoretical exploration and practical exercises, students will delve into the art of sermon preparation, delivery, and the integration of sound theology into dynamic and engaging preaching.

The “Homiletics I” course aims to lay a solid foundation for students aspiring to be effective preachers in Christian ministry. By combining practical skills with theological depth, students will be equipped to craft and deliver sermons that engage, inspire, and faithfully communicate the message of the Christian faith.


  1. Sermon Preparation Assignments:
    • Complete sermon preparation assignments, applying the principles learned in class to develop well-structured and biblically grounded sermons.
  2. Sermon Delivery Practicum:
    • Engage in sermon delivery practicums, providing opportunities for peer feedback, self-reflection, and honing the skills required for effective preaching.
  3. Exegetical Paper on Selected Text:
    • Write an exegetical paper on a selected biblical text, demonstrating proficiency in biblical interpretation and the ability to apply exegesis to preaching.
  4. Sermon Series Project:
    • Develop a sermon series project, outlining a thematic approach to a series of sermons, with attention to continuity, progression, and overall impact.
  5. Cultural Analysis and Engagement Paper:
    • Write a paper analyzing the cultural context of a specific audience and proposing strategies for culturally relevant preaching and effective engagement.
  6. Final Reflective Sermon:
    • Deliver a final reflective sermon, incorporating feedback received throughout the course, and reflecting on personal growth and development as a preacher.
  7. Class Participation and Feedback Sessions:
    • Actively participate in class discussions, feedback sessions, and peer evaluations to foster a collaborative and supportive learning environment.


  1. Introduction to Homiletics:
    • Explore the historical and theological foundations of homiletics, understanding the significance of preaching in the Christian tradition and its role in communicating God’s Word.
  2. Biblical Exegesis for Preaching:
    • Develop skills in biblical exegesis specifically geared towards sermon preparation, ensuring a faithful interpretation and application of Scripture in the preaching context.
  3. The Preacher’s Role and Identity:
    • Reflect on the role and identity of the preacher, considering the spiritual and ethical dimensions of preaching, and cultivating a sense of calling and responsibility.
  4. Structure and Organization of Sermons:
    • Learn principles of sermon structure and organization, exploring various sermon types and understanding how to craft a compelling and cohesive message.
  5. Communication and Delivery Techniques:
    • Enhance communication skills, with a focus on effective verbal and non-verbal communication, voice modulation, and the use of technology to engage congregations.
  6. Cultural Relevance and Contextualization:
    • Discuss the importance of cultural relevance and contextualization in preaching, exploring ways to connect biblical truth with the contemporary experiences and challenges of the audience.
  7. Theological Themes in Preaching:
    • Analyze theological themes commonly addressed in preaching, understanding how to present doctrinal truths in ways that are accessible and impactful for diverse congregations.


  1. Introduction to Christian Theology:
    • Successful completion of foundational courses in Christian theology to provide a theological framework for understanding and communicating biblical truths in preaching.
  2. Biblical Studies:
    • Proficiency in biblical studies, including completion of courses in Old Testament and New Testament, to ensure a solid foundation in the interpretation and application of Scripture.
  3. Biblical Exegesis (Recommended):
    • Familiarity with principles of biblical exegesis is recommended to enhance the student’s ability to accurately interpret and apply biblical passages in sermon preparation.
  4. Introduction to Christian Ministry (Recommended):
    • Familiarity with basic concepts in Christian ministry can provide helpful context for understanding the role of preaching within the broader scope of ministry.
  5. Communication Skills:
    • Proficiency in basic communication skills, as effective preaching requires clear and engaging verbal communication, as well as an understanding of non-verbal communication.
  6. Spiritual Formation:
    • A commitment to personal spiritual formation, recognizing the connection between the preacher’s spiritual life and the impact of their preaching.
  7. Research and Writing Skills:
    • Proficiency in research and writing skills, as students will be required to write exegetical papers, develop sermon series projects, and articulate theological reflections.
  8. Public Speaking (Recommended):
    • While not mandatory, prior experience or coursework in public speaking can be beneficial for students seeking to enhance their oral communication skills.
  9. Church Ministry Experience (Optional):
    • While not mandatory, students with some experience or active involvement in church ministry may find the course more directly applicable, bringing practical insights to discussions and assignments.

These prerequisites are designed to ensure that students entering the “Homiletics I” course have a foundational understanding of Christian theology, biblical interpretation, and basic communication skills. This foundational knowledge will enable students to engage with the practical and theological aspects of homiletics effectively, fostering their development as thoughtful and impactful preachers.


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