1. Eligibility

We only accept Saved Christians to our Seminary

We accept young and old, men and women to our seminary. However, we only accept those whom are saved Christians (Romans 10:9)

2. Application

The application process is simple, quick, and easy!

You’ll find that our application process is likely the easiest you have found. We make it as quick as possible to get you in the classroom so you can get behind the pulpit!

3. Review Process

Quick. Definitive. Through.

Our review process is quick, definitive and thorough. Please be aware that during this time we may reach out to you. If we are unable to contact you during this time, this may adversely affect your application and could significantly delay acceptance.

4. Success

You will be welcomed into a thriving student-led learning environment.

We have a commitment to ensure that our pupils receive the best pastoral care and support so that they feel happy and safe here and are therefore able to thrive and achieve academically. Our Student Services team are all trained to work with young people and as part of the team we have other students support the application process.